Friday, September 23, 2011

It doesn't all stay...

Another year, another Interbike. The bike geekfest I attend each year disguised as work. Outdoor Demo has always been the highlite of the trip and finding all the new goodies at the show is a close second.

Last year I used the demo to figure out which bike I wanted for the next year.

I ended up with this, an AnthemX29.

This year, I just rode, the shuttle, as much as I could. The gravity fed XC trails at Bootleg make for a more enjoyable time than the lake loops. I did climb the fireroad the first time so as to at least earn my first run.

As always there is fun to be had on the lower end of the mountain. North shore drops, teeter totters, table tops, and kickers. The first day I shot some video of a few features and enjoyed a kicker that launched you out to a flat.

This leads to beers, and the end of the first night.

The second day of demo led to further adventures which led to further thrills. A little higher, even farther, and a lot faster.

Which led to this.

A trip to the Boulder City ER and the LasVegas Strip Walgreens pharmacy led to some drugs and an interesting first day of the Indoor show. Walking around with a sling all day severly dampers the schwag access.

I left the show early, and came back to Chicago to get this.

It is now four weeks since the injury, and I'm feeling back to normal. I believe I will recover 100%, it will just take strengthening at this point. Can't wait to get the pedals turning again just in time for winter.